I laid awake in the middle of a night recently, right after a gathering of our home church gang, stirred up by some challenging spiritual things several of us sensed were in our midst that night.
It brought me back to being mindful that we are in a war. There is an enemy and he is crafty. I’m aware that God, amazingly, has made us warriors of this battle, the ground on which this battle is fought, and the prize for which it is fought. Of course, we know Jesus has won the war, but that doesn’t keep many battles along the way from being yet undecided. And at any moment, there are some that look like we’re on the winning side, and others where it’s not looking so good.
Battles for the kingdom of God to move through us. Battles for our own personal victories as the saints walking in the authority of Christ, rising up in all that he has called each one of us to. Battles for our children to chose wisely how they will live their lives. Battles won as, by his grace, we press in to the presence of the Lord in our daily lives.
Pressing in by making ourselves available to his loving overtures. Pressing in to knowing ALL the truth as he so willingly discloses it to us by his word and Spirit. Pressing in to all of his heavenly blessings, which are our inheritance. Pressing in to his presence as worship warriors. Pressing in to our authority in prayer. Fighting this war on our knees.
I’m feeling a call to go to battle for the kingdom of God in and through us. To pray over all that God is doing in each of our families and marriages. To pray for what God is doing in this area, our domain of work/friends/neighbors/others in which we mostly live our lves. And to pray over what he’s doing in the world at large. And to break through barriers in our relationships, so that we are reaching the places that God is wanting to take us. I’m not wanting to fabricate anything that isn’t what God is doing, but only do what he’s doing. But wanting to see strongholds of the enemy broken that keep us from living stronger lives of worship, prayer, the gifts of the Spirit, seeing his Kingdom moving in the lives of others – getting free from lies that hold us back from living in his freedom, grace, love, mercy. Seeing this same reality of God spread to those around us, our families, etc. as he prompts us to give it away.
I laid awake for hours that night a few weeks ago, feeling stirred up, and called to war. I’m sure many of you have already been sensing this, and many have already been dwelling on various aspects of the battle and are in prayer about this. Bless you! I’m stirred up to pray, and ready to pray over these things in every setting we may find ourselves together.
6 replies on “a call to war”
Amen… I have been feeling “stirred up” in this very same way!
Hey Daniel, thanks for stopping by, and for your comment. I’ve heard from several the same thing. I guess it shouldn’t be surprising – same Spirit of God, eh? But it is interesting to note that he is stirring many this way at this time…
Hi Page, It’s me, Free Spirit, from With Unveiled Face. Don’t know if you would remember me. My name is really Tammy. I just re-read this and some others of your posts, and want to say again how much it inspires me to hear (read) of others who walk with my Papa. I was just wondering if you’re still out there and still walking with Him. I’m not nearly as active online as I once was, but still appreciate feeling for Father’s pulse in other’s lives. Blessings to you and your family, as I hope you to be walking in a new depth of His Love.
Hi Tammy. Yes, still here and still so grateful to be recipient of God’s tender love and encouragement in this life. I’m, of course, shattered to find I believe I missed this post of yours from 18 mos ago! I had stepped away from this blog, but am finding a renewed focus for posting in the new year, so I’m dusting it off, and seeing your post! I’m not even sure if I responded earlier, but no harm in responding again here, since I obviously hadn’t publicly. I wish you the best, and will look for your blog to see what you may be up to now.
A reader sent me the note – “It looks like you’ve misspelled the word “layed” on your website. I thought you would like to know :). Silly mistakes can ruin your site’s credibility. I’ve used a tool called [fee-based service advertised here] in the past to keep mistakes off my website.”
My response – corrected, and thanks for reading my blog :-)!
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